So, what’s wrong with you? are you faded into vanity? Or it’s just the pale opalescence within the NIGHT and if I might have seemed abiding….
Please protect me, I feel I would loose myself, I amd broken into pieces I cannot see..
So what’s wrong with me? Am I faded into gravity? Ot it is just that I cannot resist…
I seem so kind, and If I might have seemed abiding it’s for sure that I won’t compromise ever.
I’ve stolen a dream
When you are here grace turns its gaze to a point in the great unknown the whole world sounds so brilliant. Chasing the NIGHT with a gentle look you go through profile and modest things into the wild distant horizon.
And if I should ever steal or ever fall into the dark nobody would ever notice, I’ll keep it to myself.
Chasing the light with a broken heart I go through profile and modest things into the wild distant horizon. I dwell… and I head: I’ve stolen a dream.
Don’t leave me
When you’re away where do you go? I can try a million different versions with my whole all imaginary I could tell myself a million lies.
To rely on each and every day when you’re away.
When you’re away what do we keep? Is it just a vision? .. a daydream. When you look me in the eyes I fear it, don’t you dare! …Then please don’t you stop.
Please Don’t Leave me.